教育 student with two children from neighborhood schools

Welcome to the 教育 Department

As a student of education at Clark, you will become part of a community committed to understanding and addressing the complexities and possibilities of urban education. To further this mission, our department collaborates closely with  local school partners and with Clark’s two educational centers: the Adam Institute for Urban Teaching and School Practice and the Hiatt Center for Urban 教育.

Students in Clark classroom crowded around professor pointing to blackboard

本科 Programs

We offer a major or minor in community, youth, and education studies or a minor in education. If qualified, you also may apply for Clark’s Accelerated B.A./Master of Arts in Teaching, with your fifth year of study tuition-free.

教育 student working with elementary student in classroom


Our teacher preparation and initial licensure program leading to a master of arts in teaching is the first to earn approval with distinction from the 麻萨诸塞州 部门 Elementary and Secondary 教育.

female teacher teaching students as part of internship

Careers and Internships

As a student in education, you will gain experience interning in schools and with other organizations. Lay the groundwork for your career in teaching or affiliated fields such as school administration, 咨询, 库, nonprofit organizations, 和更多的.

Partners at Clark and in the Community

Adam Institute for Urban Teaching and School Practice

The Adam Institute has a special charge: to develop, 支持, and understand teaching that puts all students, especially those who are under-prepared and underrepresented, on a path to college.



The Adam Institute’s network of K-12 partner schools is centered in Main South, a low-income urban neighborhood in Worcester. Partner schools represent a wide range of the challenges and possibilities of reform.


Hiatt Center for Urban 教育

The Hiatt Center for Urban 教育 is growing a community of inquiry among youth, school- and community-based educators, and Clark 教师 and students.


Clark’s teacher education model focus of new book

Partnership with Main South neighborhood touted as factor for success

Nia Slater-Bookhart ’19 honored at Mechanics Hall

Collegiate Apprentice Award recognizes leadership, community involvement

Brett Iarrobino has an idea about his future

Clark senior nurtures his passion for teaching through work in Main South

Clark receives $12M 部门 Labor grant

Partners with Public Consulting Group to provide technology apprenticeships


There are currently no upcoming events scheduled, please check back at a later date.


部门 教育

  • 乔纳斯·亚洲体育博彩平台大厅

  • 1-508-793-7222
  • 1-508-793-8864